
Our Mission

To provide safe, affordable and reliable water and sewerage services to our customers using environmentally sound technologies for social-economic development.


Our Vision

To be the Industry Leader and water service provider of choice.


Core Values

Integrity,Team Work,Customer Focus,Professionalism,Creativity and Innovativeness.

About Oloolaiser Water

Oloolaiser Water and Sewerage Company Limited(Olwasco) is established under provision of the Companies Act 2015.The Company was incorporated as a Limited Company on 30th June 2006 and is licensed as a Water Service Provider by Water Services Regulatory Board,WASREB pursuant to Provisions of the Water Act 2016.The Company is Mandated to provide effecient and economic Water services for Domestic,Commercial,Institutions and Industrial usage within Kajiado North Sub-county and parts of Kajiado West Sub-County.


Laiser,Usanii,Tumaini,Gataka and Olekasasi Areas

Ngong Areas

Kimuka,Olkeri,Oloolua and Bulbul Areas


Matasia centere and Kahara Areas.


Kiserian Town,Olteyani Area and Naromoru Areas.

11000 +
Active Customers
2500 +
Inactive Customers

13,500 Customers

Oloolaiser News Blog

Latest News and Briefs

Oloolaiser Water has embark on Turn-around strategy aimed at improving revenue streams and water services provision as mandated by law.

October 15th, 2024
Nairobi Setellite Towns water Project

The projects is now over 95 percent complete and its bound to be commissioned by Early March,2025

November 05th, 2024
Appointment of the New managing Director

Ms.Gladys Seleina Marima has been appointed the new managing Director of Oloolaiser water company,effective 5th Nov.2024.

October 01st, 2024
operationalisation of New Tarriff

Water services Regulatory Board(WASREB)has approved a new water tarriff for Oloolaiser Water that will become effective by Nover,01st,2024

Our Service

Oloolaiser Mandate

The mandate of Oloolaiser Water and Sewerage Co.ltd(olwasco) as stipulated in Company’s Memorandum of Association and Water Act, 2016 is to provide safe water and sewerage services in the Company’s areas of jurisdiction.

Monday - Friday

08:00 AM - 17:00 PM

Saturday - Sunday




Water Distribution

Supply and distribution of clean portable water to households,Institutions and businesses premises.

Sanitation Services

We build and Maintain Public sanitation Facillities,We strive to make sure there are sewer lines in our service area Towns.

Public Water Sensitization

Sensitize the public on water saving,sanitation and proper management of water resources.

Water Extraction

We develop and maintain water intake points;Borehole Drilling and springs development.

Customer Services

Instructions to Customers

The Customer Should abide by the terms and conditions specified in the Water Act 2016 and take responsibility for payment of water, sewer and meter rent until such time as the agreement is terminated in accordance with the Company’s policy.

We will Read every meter every month

Bills are send out every Month

Every Customer should pay bill before due date

Non-payment will result to water services disconnection

Read More


Customer makes inquiry

Survey is then carried out by Technical water team

Customer fill new connection form and pays connection fees

Technical team Install line and meter connections

New Connection

Water Payment

Meter is read and Bills sent out every Month

Customer is then Given 5 days befre Due date

Customer pays for Water through:Mpesa paybil:919100

Failure to pay for water bill will result to disconnection

Water Tarriff

Events Gallary

Company Events

The Company Human resource capacity is its main stregth,we have a marvalous staff work force that are resilliant and committed,This Year we orgaized a staff get together end of the year party to celebrate our resillience.

Our Customer take

What our Customers says about us

Customer service is our main Goal.We strive to deliver on our mandate which is provision of water services to our customers.